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Koala Nail Timber Deck GALVANISED

Koala Nail Timber Deck GALVANISED

Regular price $56.99 incl GST  | Shipping calculated at checkout.
Sale price $56.99 incl GST  | Shipping calculated at checkout. Regular price $69.37 incl GST | Big Store Price

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SKU: 420201-PK6

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Koala Timber Deck Nails GALVANISED

Driven by Brighton-Best

● Screw Shank
● HDG ("Hot Dipped Galvanised") - External Use

The specially designed head allows the edges of the head to be driven below the timber surface. The plain shank under the head reduces the likelihood of the decking board splitting when it expands or contracts due to weather conditions.

Designed for use in harder timbers, the “Screw Thread” allows for the nail to twist as it is installed. This aids in preventing the timber from splitting as the nail is driven and also creates a groove for the nail to grip to, which reduces the likelihood of the nail backing out.

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