Collection: Hardwood Timber & Decking
Tramin supplies a wide range of hardwood decking, posts & beams at arguably the best prices in Sydney; perfect for your new outdoor deck or pergola. These products include:
- Merbau decking, posts and beams in a range of structural values and decorative sizes - The Merbau products can be supplied in solid, laminated/finger-jointed and laminated/solid-face variations
- Other hardwood species for decking such as Spotted Gum and Blackbutt.
Click Product for all Sizes & Lengths
Decking Merbau Solid - Random Lengths - Per lm
Decking Merbau Finger-Joint 5.4m
Sale -
Merbau Screening
Merbau Beam GL17 Finger-Joint
Merbau Post GL13 Finger-Joint
Sale -
Merbau Post GL13 Solid Face
Decking Blackbutt Std & Better - Random Lengths - Per lineal metre (lm)
Decking Spotted Gum Std & Better - Random Lengths - Per lineal metre (lm)