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Ecowool Batts - Noisebreak Insulation

Ecowool Batts - Noisebreak Insulation

Regular price $82.70 incl GST  | Shipping calculated at checkout.
Sale price $82.70 incl GST  | Shipping calculated at checkout.

SKU: 910172

Size (Pieces/m2 per Bag)


NoiseBreak® is a high density acoustic insulation, specially engineered for walls and ceilings in residential and commercial buildings. NoiseBreak® acoustic insulation is the ideal solution for those seeking a peaceful indoor environment. The acoustic wall insulation particularly protects building occupants from the external noise pollutants outside of the building, on top of reducing domestic sound transfer between the spaces within a building.

With our effective acoustic solution, the building occupants can now enjoy better privacy without having to suffer from the consequences of  a loud TV or traffic noises!

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