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Merbau Decking - Finger-Joint 5.4m

Merbau Decking - Finger-Joint 5.4m

Regular price $31.21 incl GST  | Shipping calculated at checkout.
Sale price $31.21 incl GST  | Shipping calculated at checkout. Regular price $35.64 incl GST | Big Store Price

You save 12% ($4.43)

SKU: 162112

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Merbau Decking

Finger-Joint Merbau Decking

Merbau (or Kwila) is a hardwood primarily sourced from South-East Asia. It has many fantastic characteristics well-suited to Australian conditions and for use as decking, such as:

A very attractive yellow-brown appearance.

Highly durable and dimensionally stable (our Merbau is kiln-dried)

Outstanding fire resistance. Merbau is one of the few bushfire resistant timber species that meets Australian Standard AS3959.

 Our Merbau is reeded to allow airflow underneath the boards to prevent moisture and mould build-up.

Very affordable relative to other hardwoods.

Can be stained, polished or painted.

Note: These items will likely have a mix of a Reeded finish on one side and of a DAR (Dressed All Round) or Smooth all-round finish. We cannot guarantee one or the other finish.
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